The thriller crime franchise Drishyam is currently one of the most successful movie series in both – the original Malayalam franchise and its Hindi remakes. Started in 2013 with Mohanlal as the protagonist, the Malayalam language crime thriller film unexpectedly became a fan favourite with its suspenseful plot and earned over 75 crores at the box office with a mere budget of 5 crores. With enormous success, the makers released a sequel in 2021 which continued the success of the franchise. After back-to-back successful movies in the franchise, filmmaker Jeetu Joseph already narrated the climax to the third instalment to lead actor Mohanlal.
During the promotional event for another movie, the director of the Malayalam language Drishyam franchise confirmed that he had already planned the third act of Drishyam 3 and working on the rest of the plot to fill in the gaps. “I am blank right now. When I made Drishyam in 2013, I did not have a plan for a sequel. It took me five years to zero in on an idea. I had problems in one particular area in the film. Similarly, I am stuck in cracking a certain area in Drishyam 3. I know how to end the movie, but I’m clueless about other areas,” he said.
The director further revealed that he had narrated the climax of the third instalment to Mohanlal and the actor liked it as well. While Joseph is not certain regarding the timeline for the development of the next chapter in the franchise, it is definitely in the works and we expect more details about the project soon.
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