Ever since renowned director and producer Rohit Shetty announced a collaboration with another renowned director Farah Khan, everyone had been waiting for more revelations of the project. It was later revealed that they are coming together for the remake...
Hrithik Roshan has always been a fitness idol in the Bollywood industry, and he has been a brand ambassador to a health and wellness start-up chain, Cult.Fit. Hrithik Roshan has been booked along with three officials of the fitness...
Indian Television actress Mrinal Thakur joins the list of television artists transcending into Bollywood. The trailer of Mrinal's debut movie 'Love Sonia' directed by Tabrez Noorani and produced by the maker of 'Life of Pi' David Womark has just...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...