It was earlier announced that John Abraham and filmmaker Milap Zaveri are coming together once again for the sequel of their earlier outing, Satyameva Jayate. While the sequel was announced earlier this year, the production was halted due to the...
Written and directed by Milap Zaveri, Satyameva Jayate released in the year 2018 and featured John Abraham, Manoj Bajpai and Aisha Sharma in prominent characters. While the movie failed to mint success at the box office, director Milap Zaveri is...
John Abraham who is focused on doing patriotic movies for quite a while is back with another film in the genre which is a sequel to the superhit 2018 movie Satyameva Jayate. After the success of the first instalment, the...
After the success of the action thriller Satyameva Jayate, John Abraham is to make a comeback with a standalone sequel of the movie with Divya Khosla Kumar as the female lead opposite John.
John Abraham took to his social media handle...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...