Sanjay Leela Bhansali's grand musical love story, Baiju Bawra, has been one of the most anticipated projects of the filmmaker. While the movie remained the talk of the town for its casting rumours and earlier it was reported that...
Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt collaborated for the first time for Zoya Akhtar's Gully Boy and their onscreen pair was an instant hit. Following the success, the duo is reuniting for Karan Johar's directorial love drama, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem...
Bear Grylls enjoys a great fan following around the globe for his top-rated adventure series, Man Vs Wild. While the British adventurer has recently collaborated with Indian megastars, Akshay Kumar & Rajnikant, and Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi,...
Indian entertainment industry puts its money on the best selling concept and the industry has been witnessing a high trend of remakes and biopics which is still in motion. Meanwhile, the latest trend in the industry is working around...
Renowned filmmaker Shankar had recently announced a Hindi remake of the iconic psychological drama, Anniyan, with Ranveer Singh getting in the shoes of Vikram. While the fans of the movie and the team have been extremely excited about the remake...
Saif Ali Khan's elder son Ibrahim Ali Khan has been making noise on social media for quite a long time and enjoys a great fan following. As per his father, Ibrahim has always been inclined towards the entertainment world...
Ranveer Singh is currently busy with the production of Rohit Shetty directorial, Cirkus, which also stars Pooja Hegde and Jacqueline Fernandez in the key roles. Meanwhile, the actor is awaiting the release of his upcoming sports-drama, 83, based on the 1983...
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have been part of many commercially successful and memorable movies. While the husband-wife duo will be sharing the big screen in the upcoming sports-drama, 83, the latest report has it that Deepika has one more...
Fans of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput have been boycotting movies and projects of many big names of Bollywood for allegedly promoting 'nepotism' for months and now Ranveer Singh is on the receiving end. After a recent advert of...
Ranveer Singh and filmmaker Rohit Shetty are collaborating for the third time for an epic comedy-drama, Cirkus, based on the classic play of William Shakespeare titled Comedy of Errors. While Ranveer is playing the lead in the anticipated movie, the...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...