Renowned Indian actor Manoj Bajpayee is currently on the top of his career with the super success of his digital outing with The Family Man series. However, the actor was heavily criticized by the self-proclaimed critic Kamaal Rashid Khan and...
Self-proclaimed critic and controversial filmmaker, Kamal R Khan, is venting out at the megastar Salman Khan after the latter's legal team slapped a defamation suit against KRK. While KRK's lawyer has confirmed that the critic will not make any...
Singer Mika Singh reveals that he will compose a new single titled "KRK K*tta", which is meant to be an apt reply to actor-turned-critic Kamaal R. Khan according to Mika Singh in reference to the circumstances of the latter’s...
The Bombay High Court has censured Kamal Rashid Khan alias KRK for his controversial and defamatory tweets against producer Vashu Bhagnani, his family, his business, his profession as well as all his projects
KRK has been stopped by the Bombay...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...