Sunny Kaushal, known for his gripping performance in Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba, is reportedly diving into a new genre with his next project. The actor is rumoured to have started shooting for an untitled detective comedy in Rajasthan, marking his first collaboration with Nimrat Kaur and Medha Shankr. Though no official announcement has been made by the cast, reports suggest the film is being produced by Laxman Utekar and T-Series.
Sunny Kaushal’s ability to seamlessly embody characters, whether in romance or thrillers, has left audiences eager to see him take on this exciting new role. Adding to the buzz is his on-screen partnership with Nimrat Kaur and Medha Shankr, sparking curiosity about their dynamic in the upcoming film.
After his standout performance in 2024’s Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba, Sunny is set to take audiences on another thrilling ride, this time filled with humour, mystery, and adventure. Fans are excited to see the trio step into never-before-seen roles in what promises to be an entertaining big-screen experience.
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