Former Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actor Gurucharan Singh, known for his role as Roshan Singh Sodhi, has reportedly disappeared, leaving fans and colleagues alarmed. Singh was last seen at Delhi airport on April 22, intending to board a flight to Mumbai. However, he never arrived at his destination or returned home, prompting his family to file a missing complaint.
The actor’s father lodged the complaint, detailing his son’s disappearance, stating that Singh departed for Mumbai on April 22 but never reached his destination, and his phone has been unreachable since. Notably, Singh is described as mentally stable, adding to the mystery surrounding his sudden vanishing.
The complaint reads, “My son Gurucharan Singh, Age: 50 years, had left at 8:30 am on April 22nd to go to Mumbai. He went to the airport to catch a flight. He didn’t reach Mumbai, neither has he returned home, and his phone is not reachable. He is mentally stable, and we had been searching for him but now he has been missing!”
Gurucharan, who boasts 1 million followers on Instagram, last shared a post four days ago, dedicated to his father on his birthday. His unexpected disappearance has shocked the entertainment industry and fans, with many expressing concern and support on social media.
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