Indian actor Ranveer Singh has been the talk of the town recently owing to his latest bold photoshoot that went viral over the internet. While the netizens and industry colleagues showered their appreciation towards the actor for going bold, the photoshoot irked some people. Chembur police have registered a case against actor Ranveer Singh for posting nude pictures on his Instagram account after an NGO filed a complaint against him for outraging the modesty of women.
While the police were still investigating the matter then, now it has been confirmed that an FIR has been filed against Ranveer. Ranveer has been booked under section 292 (dealing with obscene materials falls within this exception thereby addressing the issue of public decency and morality), 293 (obscene objects to young person) and 509 (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) including 67 (A) of the Information Technology act.
The written application against the actor was submitted at the Chembur police station a day ago where the lawyer claimed that the photoshoot hurt the sentiments of a woman, requesting the police to charge the actor under IPC sections for outraging a woman’s modesty. Later, the NGO and the Mumbai-based lawyer Vedika Chaubey submitted separate complaints against the actor at Chembur police station.
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