One of the most iconic and popular comedy shows on Indian television, The Kapil Sharma Show, is under trouble over drinking on the stage in a courtroom scene in one of the episodes. An FIR has been registered against the makers of the show for allegedly disrespecting the court.
According to the report, a lawyer from Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, has filed a complaint against The Kapil Sharma Show after the comedians allegedly pulling off a courtroom scene on the stage under the influence of alcohol. The lawyer called the show ‘sloppy’ and disrespectful. “The Kapil Sharma Show aired on Sony TV is very sloppy. They also make lewd comments on women. In one of the episodes, a court was set up on the stage and the actors were seen drinking alcohol in public. This is contempt of court,” said the lawyer.
The complaint registered by the lawyer is in reference to an episode aired on January 19 last year and a repeat telecast on April 24, 2021. The complaint claims that a comedian in the show was shown under the influence of alcohol while in a courtroom scene and has brought disgrace to the court.
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