It was earlier informed that Akshay Kumar, Ananya Panday and R. Madhavan would be joining hands for the upcoming film based on the life of C. Sankaran Nair. With the much-anticipated project getting ready to see the sun, Dharma Productions has officially announced the movie and the starcast, revealing the official release date.
Taking to its social media handle, production house Dharma Productions announced the upcoming untitled movie which will unveil the “shocking cover-up of a massacre that pushed India’s top barrister C.Sankaran Nair to fight an unprecedented battle against the British Empire.” The official post further mentions that the movie will be based on real-life events and adapted from Raghu Palat and Pushpa Palat’s book, The Case That Shook The Empire.
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Featuring Akshay Kumar, R. Madhavan and Ananya Panday as the leading trio, the yet-to-be-titled movie is slated for a theatrical release on 14th March 2025. For the unversed, the film will be bankrolled by Karan Johar and feature Nair’s legendary courtroom battle against Michael Francis O’Dwyer of the British Empire in the pursuit of finding the truth about the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Karan Singh Tyagi will be directing the project.
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