In a landscape saturated with reboots, Mr. & Mrs. Smith Season 1 manages to breathe fresh life into the concept of married assassins, led by the dynamic duo of Donald Glover and Maya Erskine. This modern take on the...
Netflix is set to usher in the New Year with a bang, announcing the highly anticipated return of Guns & Gulaabs for its second season. Fans can expect the uproarious world of the series to make a spectacular comeback, with...
Ahead of his official debut, Ibrahim Ali Khan, son of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, has already secured his next film project. He is set to make his debut in the thriller Sarzameen, set in Kashmir, alongside Kajol...
House of the Dragon Season 2 has released its much-anticipated teaser, reigniting the fervor among fans. Following the success of its pilot season, the series, set 200 years before Game of Thrones, explores the history of House Targaryen and...
Mission Raniganj, the compelling tale of courage starring Akshay Kumar and produced by Pooja Entertainment, recently made a significant impact on the big screens. Now, after its successful theatrical run, the film has found a new home on the...
Prime Video has unveiled exciting news for fans of the iconic '80s Japanese game show, Takeshi’s Castle, with a brand-new Indian reboot. This eight-episode series, exclusively streaming on Prime Video India, promises to maintain the quirks and eccentricities that...
The much-awaited Bigg Boss OTT 2 grand finale is just around the corner, generating immense excitement among fans. With only one day left, the tension is mounting as the season's winner is about to be revealed. The final showdown...
Disney+Hotstar has exciting news for thriller fans with their upcoming series, The Freelancer, based on Shirish Thorat's book "A Ticket to Syria." Neeraj Pandey, renowned for his work on Special Ops, serves as the showrunner, and the series is...
Get ready for the premiere of Scam 2003: The Telgi Story, an upcoming web series set to stream on Sony LIV starting September 2. The series revolves around the notorious life of Abdul Karim Telgi, renowned for orchestrating one...
The absence of Salman Khan from the recent episodes of Bigg Boss OTT 2 Weekend Ka Vaar has left fans puzzled and curious about the reason behind it. Krushna Abhishek and Bharti Singh stepped in as hosts for the...
Veteran filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya, celebrated for timeless family classics like Maine Pyaar Kiya, Hum Aapke Hain Kaun, and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, has found...
Bollywood’s beloved Shah Rukh Khan is teaming up once again with director Siddharth Anand after their blockbuster success Pathaan. The duo’s latest venture, King,...
Michael B. Jordan, renowned for his electrifying portrayal of the vengeful Erik Killmonger in Black Panther, might be making a dramatic comeback to the...