Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana has captivated audiences' attention in recent months, boasting Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram and Sai Pallavi as Goddess Sita. With filming underway, anticipation surges as fans await the grand cinematic rendition of this epic tale with...
Multi-talented actor Aparshakti Khurana is set to captivate audiences with his latest film, Berlin. Recently, Berlin premiered at the prestigious Red Lorry Film Festival, offering an exclusive first look to viewers. Khurana attended the premiere and received accolades for...
The long-awaited trailer for Do Aur Do Pyaar has finally arrived, promising a delightful mix of romance, humour, and infectious music! Presented by Applause Entertainment and produced by Ellipsis Entertainment, the film explores the intricacies of modern relationships. Directed...
Renowned filmmakers Vishal Bhardwaj, Vikramaditya Motwane, and Rohan Sippy recently sparked excitement among cinephiles with the release of a mysterious poster. The intriguing image, shared by all three directors on their respective social media platforms, has left fans and...
A production update for the sequel to The Batman surfaces, revealing plans for shooting to commence in April 2025, as per insider Jeff Sneider. Director Matt Reeves and his team now have ample time to refine the script and...
After more than a decade since Krrish 3 hit screens in 2013, fans have eagerly awaited news of the next instalment. Recently, filmmaker Rakesh Roshan provided an update indicating progress for Krrish 4. The wait for fans of the...
After debuting at 1.63 crores on Friday, the focus shifted to the performance of Madgaon Express on Saturday. Despite a fair start, the film needed significant box office growth over the weekend to sustain momentum into the following week....
Emraan Hashmi, after a brief hiatus, is back in the spotlight, expanding his horizons in the world of cinema. Last year, he made headlines by joining the cast of the highly anticipated Tiger 3 alongside Salman Khan and Katrina...
Amazon Prime Video unveiled its extensive lineup on March 19, showcasing a diverse array of movies and shows spanning various genres like romance, horror, thriller, and drama. Alongside a plethora of original content, the streaming service also disclosed upcoming...
Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna, renowned for his portrayal of Shaktimaan in the iconic television series, has weighed in on the ongoing speculations surrounding Ranveer Singh's potential casting as the superhero in the forthcoming film adaptation. Addressing the chatter, Khanna...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...