Kapil Sharma’s Netflix series The Great Indian Kapil Show has landed in hot water after allegations surfaced that it disrespected the legacy of Rabindranath Tagore. The controversy revolves around a parody performed during an episode, which some viewers, particularly...
Comedian Raju Srivastava passed away today, September 21. He was 58 years old. The comedian will be always known for his masterful impersonation and as Gajodhar Bhaiya. He had had a heart attack and was being treated at the...
One of the most loved shows of all time- The Kapil Shama show might come to an end!
As per the reports, the makers are all set to pull the plug on the comedy show. The Kapil Sharma Show is...
Akshay Kumar led cop-drama, Sooryavanshi, co-starring Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn finally gets a release date after getting pushed for months owing to the pandemic crisis. In a recent social media announcement made by Akshay Kumar informing his fans about...
The 2012 comedy-drama, OMG: Oh My God!, has a separate fan base for its unique plot and the movie remains a memorable experience for all age genders. After a decade, the makers have decided to turn it into a...
The Kapil Sharma Show is undoubtedly one of the most loved comedy shows on Indian television and the fans enjoy every single second of its telecast. While the makers had to pull the plug on the show last year...
Cult comedy-drama, Hera Pheri, has been one of the most loved comedy movies produced in the Indian entertainment industry and enjoys humongous popularity amongst the netizens for its comic timings and dialogues. While the trio of Akshay Kumar, Suniel...
After making the audience laugh out loud with his brilliant comic timing in movies, actor Shreyas Talpade is coming back to tickle your funny bones in a new avatar with his upcoming television show inspired by Anil Kapoor's popular...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...