The Hindi-dubbed version of Pushpa 2 has taken the Indian box office by storm, maintaining an impressive run even over a month after its release. While the daily collections have slowed slightly, the film still manages to pull in over ₹1 crore consistently, even on its 35th day (fifth Wednesday). This incredible feat comes despite stiff competition from other films currently in theatres.
Even before its release, Pushpa 2 had generated immense buzz, with fans and critics keeping a close watch on its performance. While it was initially seen as a potential entry into the ₹500 crore club, the Allu Arjun-led film has far exceeded expectations, becoming the first Hindi-dubbed film to enter both the ₹700 crore and ₹800 crore clubs at the Indian box office.
Audiences from all regions and demographics have showered the film with love, leading to sustained footfalls across cinemas. On its 35th day, Pushpa 2 (Hindi) achieved another milestone, tying with Baahubali 2 (Hindi) for the third spot in the record of most days earning over ₹1 crore. Today’s earnings are expected to push the film ahead, breaking the tie with Baahubali 2.
At the top of this prestigious list is Uri: The Surgical Strike, which maintained collections of ₹1 crore or more for 41 days, followed by Stree 2 with a record-breaking 46 days.
With new films releasing tomorrow, it remains to be seen whether Pushpa 2 can surpass Uri in the coming days. However, beating Stree 2 appears to be a tougher challenge, as the film is likely to dip below the ₹1 crore mark next week. Nevertheless, Pushpa 2 has already cemented its place in history as a monumental success in the Hindi market.
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