Released on Indian Independence Day, Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor starrer Stree 2 has been making waves over social media as the horror comedy lives up to the hype. The sequel to the 2018 movie continued the story and...
Ajay Devgn and his team recently began production on Son of Sardaar 2 in London, featuring a star-studded cast that includes Ravi Kishan, Mrunal Thakur, Vijay Raaz, Chunkey Pandey, Vindu Dara Singh, Deepak Dobriyal, Mukul Dev, Ashwini Kalsekar, Kubbra...
Chiyaan Vikram starrer highly anticipated historical drama, Thangalaan, opened at the world box office with a tremendous response. Leveraging the Indian Independence Day holiday, the movie opened to positive reviews and registered a robust start at the box office with...
Reviews for the sci-fi movie Alien: Romulus, the latest instalment in the iconic Alien franchise, have arrived, and it’s already creating a buzz among fans and critics alike. Helmed by Fede Alvarez, this standalone movie in the franchise successfully...
As India is gearing up to celebrate its 78th Independence Day on the 15th of August, it is the perfect time to revisit some of the most iconic Indian cinema that captures the essence of freedom, patriotism, and resilience....
After the tremendous success of Gadar 2 featuring Sunny Deol, the makers of Border also announced a sequel creating hype among the fans. While the details of the highly-anticipated project have been kept under wraps since the beginning, the latest...
Bollywood actor and global star Shah Rukh Khan was recently honoured at the prestigious Locarno Film Festival with the Pardo Alla Carriera award in Switzerland. The actor is the first Indian to receive the honour and be recognized for...
Indian actor John Abraham is best known for his love for fitness and is often seen promoting healthy living. While the actor refrains from promoting brands that are 'unhealthy' for the consumers, he recently voiced his concerns on paan...
Whether you are an artist or an entertainer, you've probably heard it a thousand times - "It is all about who you know." While you may know the importance of networking, it can feel overwhelming, especially if you are...
The action thriller Kill, starring Lakshya, Raghav Juyal, and Tanya Maniktala, has turned out to be a surprising success at the box office. Released on July 5, the critically acclaimed film managed to make a mark even in a...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...