In the recently released film ‘Hum Bhi Akele Tum Bhi Akele’, actress Zareen Khan plays the role of a homosexual woman. Initially, the makers of the film were sceptical to cast her in the role, but the actress says that it is not the first time that she got to face such a situation.
The actress reveals that this wasn’t the first time that the makers have been doubtful about casting her in the film for a non-glamorous role. She says that they have this whole idea about her potential because of the work she had previously done. However, she admits that she was asked to give an audition and she felt more than happy to give it as she believes that it just makes the person sure on their part and make them believe if she’d be able to pull off the character. Zareen adds that the makers loved the auditions and so got to be a part of this film.
This is the first time Zareen is seen playing a lesbian on-screen. When asked if she has any inhibitions portraying the character, she says that it wasn’t really so difficult. The actress claims that as far as her command over body language was concerned, she been a tomboy all her life, so that trait which she was always asked to correct, actually ended up helping her in the film.
What the actress realised was that because she is not homosexual, she shouldn’t do anything unknowingly, which unintentionally leads to portraying anything that might offend the LGBTQ community. She says that she introspected and realised that it is about displaying the emotion of love and that emotion is felt the same way how a heterosexual person would feel it because the emotions are the same.
The actress, who was launched by superstar Salman Khan in the 2010 film “Veer” has portrayed the character with utmost honesty. The film “Hum Bhi Akele Tum Bhi Akele” released on Disney+ Hotstar VIP.
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