Best known for playing the superhero character, Wonder Woman, Israeli actress Gal Gadot recently shared her views on the ongoing violence between Israel and Palestine. While the actress called out for peace, she faced major backlash for taking sides with Israel in her released statement.
For the unversed, Israel and Hamas-led militants exchanged rocket fire this week as the violence gets brutal between the Jewish and minority Arabic population in the country, Israel. Being born in Israel and serving two mandatory years in the Israeli Defense Forces, Gal Gadot’s statement faced backlash for not mentioning the name of Palestine and referring to them as ‘Neighbours’.
The actress’ statement read, “My heart breaks. My country is at war. I worry for my family, my friends. I worry for my people. This is a vicious cycle that has been going on for far too long. Israel deserves to live as a free and safe nation. Our neighbors deserve the same. I pray for the victims and their families, I pray for this unimaginable hostility to end, I pray for our leaders to find the solution so we could live side by side in peace. I pray for better days.”
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Netizens, as well as many celebrities, took her statement as biased towards Israel and called the response of Israel ‘genocide’.
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