After announcing his ambitious project Welcome To The Jungle on Akshay Kumar’s birthday, Producer Firoz Nadiadwala faces a significant roadblock. The Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE), a Mumbai film industry workers union representing over 500,000 members, has issued a non-cooperation order against Nadiadwala and his proposed film.
Dated September 9, 2023, the FWICE president has accused Firoz Nadiadwala of not paying dues to several artists who worked in Nadiadwala’s Welcome Back in 2015. These artists include director Anees Bazmee, makeup artist Bashar Khan, cinematographer Kabir Lal, actor Adi Irani, actor Mushtaque Khan, and actor Swatantra Bharat. Director Bazmee alone is owed Rs 2 crores.
Back in 2015 during the release of Welcome Back, Anees Bazmee, in an interview, claimed that Firoz had agreed to pay him Rs 11.27 crores as his directorial fee. However, he was only born Rs 6.64 crores out of this amount. Anees voluntarily waived Rs 2.62 crores but expected Firoz to pay him Rs 2 crores of the remaining pending payment.
It appears that Firoz Nadiadwala must address these past financial disputes with the artists before proceeding with his ambitious project Welcome To The Jungle, which features an ensemble cast of 24 actors making it the biggest film in the franchise.
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