Renowned writer-director Vidhu Vinod Chopra has announced his latest venture under the Vinod Chopra Films banner, titled Zero Se Restart. This film, currently in development, offers an insider’s look into the creation of his recent blockbuster, 12th Fail.
Following the unprecedented success of 12th Fail, Mr. Chopra has opted to explore the behind-the-scenes journey of the film in a unique feature film format, a departure from the norm in Indian cinema. Expressing his excitement for the project, he shares, “Zero Se Restart narrates the remarkable journey of 12th Fail, from its inception to overcoming numerous obstacles and naysayers. It’s a story of triumph against all odds, showcasing the incredible journey from scepticism to success.”
Aligned with Vinod Chopra Films’ ethos of Entertain, Educate, and Elevate, Zero Se Restart promises to captivate audiences with its entertaining and insightful portrayal of one of Indian Cinema’s most remarkable success stories.
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