The dynamic and volatile duo of Colors’ reality show Big Boss season 11, television actor Shilpa Shinde and television producer Vikas Gupta are all set to enter the current season 12 as contestants this week.
Shilpa who was the winner of season 11 will be entering the house with master mind Vikas, with whom she shared a very not so great equation in the past, however, by the end of their season they buried the hatchet. Today they are cordial colleagues who treat and respect each other as professionals.
We are hoping their entry will add the very much missing spice and motivation that’s lacking in this season and its contestants. It will give the required push and perspective that the current inhabitants of the house are in dire need of. However, they will be part of the show for only two episodes.
Vikas whose friend, protegee and television actor Rohit Suchanti recently entered the Big Boss house as a contestant, has been at the receiving end of untoward homophobic comments on his sexuality from the inmates. This hasn’t gone down too well with the producer who has been vocal about his displeasure at the inmates behavior, their homophobia and questioning Rohit’s sexuality based on what he “looks” and “seems” like.
It would be interesting to see how Shilpa and Vikas together work towards bringing the much required semblance in the house and how they would call out on the inmates behavior and their performance in the show.
Are you guys excited for their entry? Let us know in the comments.