For the last many days, Bollywood actor Vidyut Jammwal has been in the news for the rumours of his engagement with fashion designer Nandita Mahtani. The two were spotted having a gala at the Taj Mahal and their pictures went viral on the internet in no time. Days after the rumours of their low-profile engagement, the actor has officially announced the commencement of a new journey in his life.
Vidyut decided to go down on one knee for his ladylove and had an engagement on the first day of September. Sharing a picture of them while rappelling down a 150-metre high wall, Vidyut wrote, “Did it the COMMANDO way” followed by an emoticon of a ring and a date.
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His fans and close ones poured in their congratulatory messages on the big decision in the comment section of the post. His Commando co-actor Adah Sharma wrote, “Congratulations both of you !! Finalllly!!! Brb getting ready for the wedding”.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Vidyut is currently busy with the production of a sequel of his recent release, Khuda Haafiz. Titled Khuda Haafiz Chapter II, the movie will continue the storyline of the first instalment in the franchise and we can expect more action in the second part.
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