The trailer of the Vidya Balan-starrer “Sherni” has been released today. The actress reveals that the film, which is expected to release on June 18. Added, she informs that the film deals with a heartfelt and sensitive topic that reflects upon respect, mutual understanding, and co-existence, not just between man-animal, but also between human beings as well.
Balan says that ever since she first heard the story of Sherni, she found it so fascinating and so far removed from her own. She also opens up about the character of Vidya that she plays, who is is a woman of few words but many dimensions.
Vidya is playing the role of an upright forest officer in the film who fights the social barrier set by the patriarchal society and reckless attitudes within her department. The film, she says, is themed upon a sensitive topic that touches upon respect, mutual understanding, and co-existence, not just between man-animal, but between humans being as well.
Amit Masurkar, who has earlier helmed “Newton” and “Sulemani Keeda” has directed the film. Reflecting upon working on this unconventional project, Masurkar believes that “Sherni’ is a finely layered story, which highlights the complex issues of conflicts between humankind and animals. Vidya Balan who is playing a mid-level forest officer, despite the obstacles and pressures, faced by her continued to work with her team and local allies to maintain a balance in the environment.
The film also stars Neeraj Kabi, Vijay Raaz, Sharat Saxena, Mukul Chadda, Brijendra Kala and Ila Arun in the supporting roles and is scheduled for a digital release on Amazon Prime Video.
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