Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal recently completed 9 years in the Bollywood industry and has a number of upcoming movies under his belt. Meanwhile, the URI actor will be featured in the adventure & survival-based reality show, Into The Wild with Bear Grylls.
British adventurer Bear Grylls enjoys a great fan following around the globe and since last year, he is focusing on collaborations with Indian celebrities. Following the overwhelming success of previous seasons featuring Prime Minister Narendra Modi, veteran actor Rajnikant and Akshay Kumar, the current season will be featuring Ajay Devgn and Vicky Kaushal as guests of the show.
While Ajay Devgn has reportedly commenced filming for his episode in the Maldives with survivalist Bear Grylls, Vicky will be following his footsteps and fly to the Maldives to film his part. The show will premiere on the Discovery+ OTT platform once the episodes are really to go on air.
Meanwhile, Vicky Kaushal will star next in the biopic of Sardar Udham Singh and Sam.
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