Earlier this year, filmmaker Aditya Dhar and actor Vicky Kaushal announced their reunion post the success of Uri: The Surgical Strike and everyone has been eagerly waiting for more development around the movie. However, much to the disappointment, the reports suggest that the project titled The Immortal Ashwatthama has been shelved.
For the unversed, the first look poster of the futuristic take on the mythological character, Ashwatthama, was unveiled in January by the filmmaker Aditya Dhar and everyone was excited to learn more about the sci-fi movie. The movie poster featured Vicky Kaushal headlining the futuristic set-up with a modern light sword similar to Jedi’s lightsaber in his hand. However, according to the latest development update, the movie has been shelved owing to its budget.
The movie was introduced as a VFX heavy production with a superhero feel and it was slated to go on the floors in mid-August. Sara Ali Khan was allegedly brought on board to play the female lead in the movie. However, much to the disappointment, the makers have decided to kill the switch of the product given its budget requirements. However, there has been no official confirmation regarding the same so far.
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