Salman Khan and Varun Dhawan not only share many similarities but also shares a great bond off-screen. When Varun Dhawan walked into the shoes of Salman Khan for the remake of iconic comedy-drama, Judwaa, Salman Khan did a cameo in the movie. After 3 years, Varun Dhawan is all prepared to pay the debt back with a dance number for Salman Khan’s Antim.
As per the resources, the makers of the upcoming cop-drama, Antim, was looking forward to having an A-lister to share the screen with Salman Khan for a track in the movie. Bhaijaan approached Varun Dhawan to do the honours and the Main Tera Hero actor gave his nod immediately with the dates. The track is touted to be a massy entertainer on the chores of Salman Khan’s previous party numbers.
Varun Dhawan has already started rehearsing for the song with Salman Khan as the song is expected to be shot by the end of this month. Meanwhile, as per reports, Aayush Sharma, who is playing the key role in the upcoming drama, will not be a part of the song.
Helmed by Mahesh Manjrekar, Antim is an official Hindi remake of the Marathi film Mulshi Pattern which was directed by Pravin Tarde. The movie will feature Salman Khan and Aayush Sharma in the key roles with Mahima Makwana playing the female lead.
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