Renowned filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala recently brought together a fresh pair of Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor for a love story drama, Bawaal, which is to be directed by critically-acclaimed filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari. The movie was recently announced and after months of preparation, the project has already gone on the floors in Lucknow.
Featuring Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor as the leads, Bawaal is touted as an exciting and unique love story given Dangal and Chhichhore filmmaker is donning the director’s hat. While the details of the love drama have been kept under tight wraps for now, the movie is scheduled to be shot across 3 prime locations in India and 5 European countries. The project went on the floors in Lucknow as the team began the first schedule with a Muhurat shot.
On the other hand, both Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor have a number of projects waiting for completion or release. Seeing them sharing the big screen for the first time will be a fresh experience for their fans who are already excited about the experiment. Bankrolled by Sajid Nadiadwala, Bawaal is slated for a release on April 7 next year.
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