Hitmaker singer Tony Kakkar has been the topic of discussion amongst the netizens ever since he started making remakes of popular hits and the singer gets constantly trolled for his songs and lyrics. Recently, he collaborated with his sister, Neha Kakkar, and renowned music producer Honey Singh for a song and got roasted for his lyrics.
Netizens never leave a chance to troll Tony Kakkar for his songs but the 37-year-old still enjoys a massive fandom and his music videos always make it to the trending list. After his recent music video, Kanta Laga, he got targeted again with criticism which has been somewhere crossing the limits. However, the singer manages to keep his calm and replied to a troll politely.
When a netizen reacted to his songs by tweeting, “Sir apke gaane sunne se acha me Zahar khaake Mar jao (It is better to die by poison than listening to your song).” However, Tony replied in a rather polite way and tweeted, “Aap maro mat.. kabhi bhi mat suno. Your life is precious. 100 Tony kakkar aayenge jayenge. I wish aapko meri Umar lag Jaaye. (Please don’t die.. Never listen to my songs. Your life is precious. 100 Tony Kakkar will come and go. May the rest of my life span be added to yours).”
Aap maro mat.. kabhi bhi mat suno . Your life is precious.
100 Tony kakkar aayenge jayenge.
I wish aapko meri Umar lag jaaye ? https://t.co/i6I29XuwUF
— Tony Kakkar (@TonyKakkar) September 9, 2021
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