While the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Universe focuses more on the superhero characters from their respective comics and brought many alive on the big screen, Sony took a risk and introduced an anti-hero, Venom. Released in the year 2018, Venom was the story of an anti-hero Eddie Brock aka Venom. The movie was an instant hit and managed to claim the blockbuster status with mixed reviews.
After a year of the release, producer Amy Pascal confirmed that a sequel is on the way and Tom Hardy is going to reprise his character in the second instalment of Venom. The sequel is currently in the pre-production phase and might take a while to make its way to the theatres.
In the 2018 film Venom, the makers introduced Cletus Kasady in the post-credit scenes who will be the antagonist in the second part. Based on the comic characters, Cletus Kasady is a murderous psychopath who shares a bond with symbiote Carnage, Venom’s offspring. Carnage is one of the most violent and merciless characters in the comics and we might get to see some of it in the Venom 2.
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