Renowned filmmaker Karan Johar is set to make a remarkable comeback as a director with an upcoming two-hero action venture. Earlier today, Karan’s production house, Dharma Productions, teased a significant announcement on their official Twitter handle, hinting at Karan’s return in a new directorial role. Sources reveal that the highly anticipated film will feature Tiger Shroff and Varun Dhawan as the lead actors.
The decision to venture into the action genre marks a significant shift for Karan, known for his expertise in family dramas and romantic stories. Eager to explore new territories, Karan plans to embark on this exciting filmmaking journey, bringing his creative vision to the action-packed storyline.
Tiger Shroff, already established as an action star with his impressive performances in films like Heropanti, Baaghi, and War, has been roped in as one of the lead actors. With his unparalleled agility and knack for delivering high-octane stunts, Tiger’s inclusion comes as no surprise.
Joining him is Varun Dhawan, who has showcased his versatility as an actor across various genres. Though his previous action films leaned towards drama or comedy, Varun has demonstrated his potential to excel in the action hero domain, making him an exciting addition to the project.
While Tiger and Varun have been confirmed as the male leads, Karan is actively working on finalizing the female leads for the film. As Karan Johar embraces the action genre, he aims to deliver an exhilarating cinematic experience that captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and thrilling action sequences.
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