Tiger Shroff and filmmaker Karan Johar have decided to reunite after their team up in Punit Malhotra’s Student of the Year 2. Touted to be an action-packed entertainer, the movie will feature Tiger Shroff and Pushpa fame Rashmika Mandanna as the lead pair and the makers have decided on a title for the same.
As per sources close to the development of the production, the upcoming movie has been titled ‘Screw Dheela’ portraying the traits of Tiger Shroff’s character in the film. It will be the first collaboration between Tiger Shroff and Rashmika Mandanna and fans are already excited to watch the fresh pair. Meanwhile, the makers are planning to make it one of the biggest releases of the year and have brought on board Shashank Khaitan to direct the film.
The film will be shot in India and abroad with the first schedule expected to kick off in Europe. Both Tiger and Rashmika will be a part of this schedule, which is expected to go on floors in September. A big ensemble, including the antagonist, is in the process of being cast for Screw Dheela. The movie is scheduled to release by mid-2023.
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