Bollywood actors and alleged couple, Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani, were booked by the Mumbai police on Tuesday after they were spotted driving around Bandstand, Bandra without any essential reason.
According to Ayesha Shroff, Tiger and Disha were asked to show their Aadhar Card and afterwards, they were allowed to leave. However, the Mumbai Police informs that an FIR has been registered against the two for the violation of COVID-19 rules in the state. Disha and Tiger were reportedly returning from the gym after their workout session when they took a roam around Bandstand in their car. As per the COVID-19 protocols in Maharashtra, no person is allowed to step out of their residence without any essential reason.
The Mumbai Police took it to their official social media handle to make it an example that no one is immune from the law. “In the ongoing ‘War’ against the virus, going ‘Malang’ on the streets of Bandra cost dearly to two actors who have been booked under sections 188, 34 IPC by Bandra PStn . We request all Mumbaikars to avoid unnecessary ‘Heropanti’ which can compromise on safety against #COVID19,” tweeted Mumbai Police in its known sarcastic tone.
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