Marvel studio released the second trailer of ‘Captain Marvel’ featuring Brie Larson as the titular superhero. Captain Marvel set in 1990, follows an adventurous journey of carol Danvers as a powerful hero of marvel cinematic experience.
The movie essays the life of Carol (Larson), who returns to earth after years and finds herself in the middle of a galactic war between two threatening race of aliens. The movie also stars Lee Pace, Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan, Clark Gregg and Jude Law.
The movie which is just a few months ahead of its release, came out with its second trailer on Monday and is highly anticipated, giving fans a brief peek into the fascinating world of Captain Marvel.
Being made under the direction of Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, the movie is a prequel of sorts and happened even before the other powerful superheroes like Iron man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk and Avengers of Marvel Studios came into being.
The story of Carol caught up between Hetwren Skrull and Kree in an unimaginable galactic war will hit the screens on March 9 2019.