The Vivek Agnihotri directorial, The Kashmir Files released a while back, and since then the film has been unstoppable at the box office. In the international markets as well, The Kashmir Files has been drawing in the audience despite competition from other releases. Now, just 10 days after its release, The Kashmir Files has managed to cross the Rs. 200 cr. mark at the worldwide box office. The Box office hit has overtaken Sooryavanshi, 83 and Hollywood giant Spiderman by a record margin.
Collecting Rs. 179.85 cr. gross at the domestic box office and a further Rs. 27.94 cr. gross from the overseas markets the current total worldwide gross collections of The Kashmir Files is pegged at Rs. 227.29 cr
Going by the current trend trade predicts that the business of the film will continue to grow well into its second week running. As per expectations, if The Kashmir Files maintains momentum at the box office, it will easily manage to cross the Rs. 300 cr. mark by the end of its second week.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted the numbers and wrote, “#TheKashmirFiles is SENSATIONAL… *Week 2* trending is THE HIGHEST in *post-pandemic era*, OVERTAKES #Sooryavanshi, #83TheFilm and #Hollywood giant #SpiderMan BY A RECORD MARGIN… [Week 2] Fri 19.15 cr, Sat 24.80 cr, Sun 26.20 cr, Mon 12.40 cr. Total: 179.85 cr. #India biz.
The Kashmir Files tells the true story of brutal sufferings endured by Kashmiri Pandits in 1990, during the Kashmir insurgency. It is a true story, based on video interviews of the first generation victims of The Kashmir Genocide of the Kashmiri Pandit Community. It’s a heart-wrenching narrative of the pain, suffering, struggle and trauma of Kashmiri pandits and questions eye-opening facts about democracy, religion, politics and humanity.
The Kashmir Files stars Anupam Kher, Darshan Kumar, Mithun Chakraborty and Pallavi Joshi.
The film is produced by Tej Narayan Agarwal, Abhishek Agarwal, Pallavi Joshi and Vivek Agnihotri under the Zee Studios, IAmBuddha and Abhishek Agarwal Arts banners.