Vicky Kaushal’s next is a magnum opus with filmmaker Aditya Dhar, The Immortal Ashwathama, and the movie has been in the news for its delay. The highly anticipated project was expected to start filming in April but due to the second wave of Coronavirus pandemic in the country, the makers had to push it to July. However, the team fails to procure visas causing further delays in production.
The Aditya Dhar directorial featuring Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan is scheduled to be shot in Europe but the pandemic crisis has delayed the visa approval process. The team is ready and waiting for the green signal to fly to Europe for the first leg of the shooting. The filmmaker has reportedly planned to see the locations with a small group before deciding the countries he wants to film in. The safety concerns will be another factor in deciding the shooting locations.
Vicky Kaushal is currently busy filming his comedy outing, Mr. Lele, and he will start working on Aditya Dhar’s directorial the next. The tentative shooting dates of The Immortal Ashwathama is mid or late August. The part mythical part sci-fi movie will mark the second outing of Vicky and Aditya after the success of URI: The Surgical Strike.
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