Indian actor Dhanush will soon be sharing screen space with Ryan Gosling in Russo Brothers’ The Gray Man and his fans have been drooling over his scenes from the trailer. Adding more to the joy, the makers have now released a short clip from the movie featuring an intense action sequence of Dhanush and Ryan Gosling.
In the 56-second-video shared by the director-duo, Dhanush can be seen in an adrenaline-pumping, action-packed sequence with co-actor Ryan Gosling. Introducing the character of Dhanush in the action-thriller, the Russo Brothers captioned the video, “Ladies and gentlemen, we give you… Dhanush. #TheGrayMan”.
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Dhanush also reshared the video over his Twitter handle with the caption, “Avik san from the #thegrayman @Russo_Brothers.” It is Dhanush’s first collaboration with the renowned directors’ duo of Marvel’s fame. Along with Ryan Gosling, Dhanush will also be sharing screen space with Chris Evans.
Based on a novel by the same name written by Mark Greaney, The Gray Man also features Ana de Armas, Jessica Henwick, Rege Jean Page, Billy Bob Thornton, Wagner Moura and Alfre Woodard among others.
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