In the 1990s, Rajkumar Santoshi and Sunny Deol formed a successful partnership with films like Ghayal, Damini, and Ghatak achieving iconic status. Despite attempting to collaborate again in the past, the two were unable to do so until 27 years later, when they reunited for the film Lahore: 1947.
Director Rajkumar Santoshi announced his upcoming film Lahore: 1947, in an interview with PinkVilla. The film, which will star Sunny Deol and is set during the partition of India, will begin production soon. Santoshi also stated that this project will be bigger in scale than his previous collaborations with Deol, including Ghayal, Damini, and Ghatak.
Rajkumar Santoshi shared more details about the production of Lahore: 1947, stating that if all goes according to plan, filming will begin on March 1st in Mumbai, with the recreation of the city of Lahore in a studio. A significant portion of the movie will be shot on this set, which is an integral part of the story. He described the film as ambitious and a long-time dream of his, which he has been planning for 10 years and can finally bring to fruition. The director intends to complete filming by May and move on to post-production.
It was previously reported that a dispute had developed between Rajkumar Santoshi and Sunny Deol, which reportedly worsened further when both of them released a film each on the revolutionary Bhagat Singh on the same day in 2002, with the titles “The Legend Of Bhagat Singh” and “23rd March 1931: Shaheed” respectively.
Lahore: 1947 will be the second film on the partition of India for Sunny Deol, following the hugely successful Gadar: Ek Prem Katha. Notably, a sequel to Gadar titled Gadar 2 is currently in development.
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