Featuring Manoj Bajpayee in the lead, the second season of the web series, The Family Man, is currently one of the most awaited digital shows in the country. While the makers recently released the new trailer of The Family Man 2 featuring Manoj against a suicide bomber played by Samantha Prabhu, a third season of the popular web series is already in pre-production.
According to a source close to the development of the franchise, the OTT giant, Amazon Prime Video, has renewed the franchise for another season given the popularity and hype it has created. According to the report, top executives of the show has seen the second season and they are chipping all in for it. While the show has been making headlines for its unique screenplay and storyline, the OTT platform is to reunite with Raj & DK for a third season of the show which is to be announced soon.
The first season of The Family Man ended on a cliffhanger and the second season is expected to give a deserving closure to the story giving enough room for continuation for another season. Reportedly, Raj & DK have already chalked out the script for the third season of the show and might take the franchise forward with Manoj Bajpayee playing his character of Srikant Tiwari.
Talking about the second season, the audience and fans loved the trailer dropped on June 19 and eagerly waiting for the show to premiere on June 4. Helmed by Raj & DK, The Family Man 2 will stream exclusively on Amazon Prime Video from June 4.
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