Amazon Prime Video’s original series, The Family Man, was released in 2019 and became an instant hit. The espionage action thriller web series featuring Manoj Bajpayee in the lead created trends at the social media networks and fans have been eagerly waiting for the promised second season. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, the release date of the web series is getting pushed back and forth.
The show was earlier scheduled for a release in February but it was postponed due to the slow development amid Coronavirus crisis. There were also reports suggesting that the makers are pulling out the plug of the show which was later dismissed by creators, Raj and DK. Now confirming the expected release date of the show, lead actor Manoj Bajpayee talked to tabloid, Bollywood Hungama.
Confirming that the second season of The Family Fan is due for a release in the upcoming months, Manoj Bajpayee said, “This is a confirmation- The Family Man 2 is coming in the peak of summer. The exact date will be announced by Amazon soon. The release date is being discussed currently and even marketing is being planned.” The actor further mentioned that the team is restlessly waiting for a release date from the streaming giant.
Featuring Manoj Bajpayee as a middle-class man who also serves as a world-class spy, The Family Man highlights his struggle to balance his familial responsibilities with the demands of the highly secretive special cell of the National Intelligence Agency that he is working for.
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