The movie “Thank God,” starring Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra, has landed itself in legal issues. Indra Kumar, Ajay Devgn, and Siddhartha Malhotra have all been named as defendants in a lawsuit brought by attorney Himanshu Srivastava in a Jaunpur court. On November 18, a statement from the petitioner will be taken down. According to the petitioner, the film’s newly released trailer mocks religion and has outraged religious sensitivities.
According to Srivastava’s appeal, Ajay Devgn, who is portraying Chitragupta and is wearing a suit, can be seen making jokes and using foul language in one scene. “As the lord of karma, Chitragupta keeps a record of a person’s good and negative activities. Such God representations might lead to uncomfortable situations since they offend religious sentiments “stated the petition.
After being involved in a vehicle accident, Sidharth’s character enters the game of life hosted by Chitragupt, played by Ajay, who calculates all of his flaws and ultimately determines whether he will spend eternity in hell or heaven.
Nora Fatehi, who plays an “apsara,” is also shown in the video to assess Sidharth for “vasana” or “lust.” “Parayi aurat ko behen aur maa ki nazar se dekhna chahiye,” is then heard Ajay stating.
In the teaser, Ajay, who is renowned for his powerful dialogue delivery, also asks Sidharth: “Tum jaante ho insaano ki sabse badhi galti kya hai? Tum bhagwaan ko toh maante ho, lekin bhagwaan ki ek nahi maante.”
Similar dialogues are heard in a few other places. In little time at all, this trailer had received millions of views. This movie was also made available to watch on October 25, 2022. (Thank God releasing date). But in the meanwhile, a petition against the movie was just submitted.