Nayanthara and Ajith Kumar starrer ‘Viswasam’ poster was recently released. This would be the duos third movie together after ‘Billa’ and ‘Aegan’. The movie produced by Surya Jyoti Films , directed by Siva is set for a Pongal release next year.
Ajith’s movies are mostly mass entertainers, this one is no different. Since its going to be a festival release, the idea is to entertain, appease the masses and Ajith and Nayanthara’s mass fan following. With this movie director Siva and Ajith would complete working on four movie projects together till now – Veeram, Vedhalam, Vivegam and now Viswasam. Seems like ‘V’ is their lucky letter for movie titles.
Apparently we might see him playing a Cop once again in this Mass entertainer. The first look of the movie shows the actor in two different generations one is a older version of him in his salt-pepper look and the other is a younger version of him in his black hair dyed look. It would be interesting to see if we are going to see him playing two different characters at the same time or playing the same character in two different generation.
Check out the poster of the movie and let us know your thoughts and expectations on Thala’s upcoming blockbuster.
We are excited to present to you #ViswasamFirstLook #Pongal2019 @directorsiva @SureshChandraa @immancomposer @AntonyLRuben @vetrivisuals @Actor_Vivek @DoneChannel1
— Sathya Jyothi Films (@SathyaJyothi_) August 22, 2018