On Friday, the television industry woke up to heartbreaking news of the demise of popular television actor, Kushal Punjabi. The actor has been a part of numerous daily soaps and reality shows including some of the popular shows like Fear Factor, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 7, Kya Hal Mister Panchal, Guttur Gu, Zindagi Wins and many more. The actor who was last seen in the daily soap, Ishq Mein Marjawan, has worked in a number of Bollywood and regional movies as well.
While initially, there was no information about Kushal Punjabi’s sudden unfortunate demise, the latest report published by ANI suggests that the actor committed suicide at his residence in Pali Hill. Kushal Punjabi was found hanging at his home and has left a suicide note. The police have filed an Accident Death Report and further investigation is going on.
Mumbai: Television actor Kushal Punjabi found hanging at his Pali Hill residence. Police has found a suicide note at his residence. Accidental Death Report (ADR) filed, further investigation underway
— ANI (@ANI) December 27, 2019
Many television celebrities were shocked by the unfortunate news and took to their social media handles to express their condolence to his family. Meanwhile, his close friend and popular television actor Chetan Hasraj confirmed the news of his suicide and said that he was down with sickness and had been battling separation from his wife.
“He was going through separation from his wife and he was also down with sickness. I still can’t believe that Kushal is no more with us. I spoke to him a couple of days ago and he discussed with me that he was disturbed. I tried telling him that things happen in life and he should just fight back. But I never imagined that he will take such a step. It is heartbreaking,” Chetan Hasraj shared.