Television actor Kunal Jaisingh has been playing a role in supporting the needy as the country battles the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. The actor has been providing milk and food to people in slum and helping them meet their bare minimum requirements.
The actor is convinced that COVID is showing everybody a really tough time and it feels like a curse upon people. He feels that every second person in our country needs help right now whether it is about battling with their financial crisis or anxiety and depression. Jaisingh wants to try his best and help as many as he can so he decided to help people by providing them with basic necessities such as milk, food and other common bills since the last month.
The actor can also be seen stepping up to help people on social media. He is trying his best to talk and answer the maximum number of people on his social media account. He believes that we all have social responsibilities at the moment and this is how we all need to behave as it is the need of the hour. The actor stressed that at this time, we must try to reach out to one another. He thinks that it is definitely not a good time to blame each other, instead, we must prioritise helping each other overcome the situation. People should take a break from being casual and avoid taking things for granted. He insists that people need to act in a responsible way and maintain fair distance from rumours related to Covid and rather encourage positive vibes.
Presently, Kunal is engaged in shooting in Gujarat for his show “Kyun Utthe Dil Chhod Aaye” but remains worried about his family living in Mumbai. He thinks this to be a nightmare and hopes for a miracle to happen.
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