The comedy-drama movie franchise, American Pie, has been one of the most widely spoken about and secretly admired college drama films for years. While the last instalment of the franchise, American Reunion, released exactly a decade ago, fans had lost any hopes of getting another instalment. However, Tara Reid, who played the character of Vicky in movies, has now confirmed that a fifth instalment is in the making.
In a recent media interaction, Tara Reid mentioned that American Pie 5 is on the cards and the makers have already worked out a script. “It (American Pie 5) might happen… okay, I can’t tell you when, because I don’t really know when, because we have to get all the actors and at the same time to get our schedules together. There is a script out there. I’ll put it that way,” she said.
Talking about the alleged script of the movie, Tara said that it is “one of the best ones” of the franchise. The actress also revealed that the entire cast of the first four instalments of American Pie remains in touch and shares a unique bond. “We all stay in touch in different ways. When you grow up with someone, and you get your first breaks with someone, you can never forget that,” Tara Reid concluded.
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