KGF actor Yash has built a lot of fan following with his performance in the movie and his fans are eagerly waiting for the next instalment of his franchise. However, in one heartbreaking news, one of his fans died...
The highly-anticipated teaser of the second instalment to the KGF franchise release online and broke numerous records with its mass appeal. While the teaser is close to 150 million views on video streaming platform, YouTube, the Karnataka Health Department has...
The second instalment of the Yash starrer crime-action franchise, KGF, has been in the spotlight for the longest and the fans have been eagerly waiting for more updates on the production. The shooting for KGF: Chapter 2 was heavily affected due...
KGF fame Yash and Radhika Pandit were blessed with a baby boy on Wednesday as Radhika was rushed to a private hospital in Bengaluru. While there is still an official announcement needed from the daddy and mommy, Yash surprised his...
Sanjay Dutt is the ultimate bad boy of the Bollywood industry and on the birthday of the actor, makers of Kannada language period actioner K.G.F unveiled the first look of Sanjay Dutt as Adheera in the second instalment of the franchise.
While K.G.F:...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...