Earlier this week, renowned actor Vijay Raaz was arrested by the Gondia Police for allegedly molesting a female colleague on the sets of Vidya Balan starrer Sherni. While the actor was granted bail on the same day, it turned out...
Actor Vijay Raaz is a well-known face in the Bollywood industry and he has been entertaining the crowd with his on-screen antics for the longest. While the actor was shooting for his upcoming movie, Sherni, with Vidya Balan in the...
Shruti Haasan, who impressed audiences with her role as Aadhya in the action-packed Salaar, has addressed growing curiosity about the film’s second instalment. Fans...
Hrithik Roshan, one of Bollywood’s most versatile actors, is currently immersed in filming the much-anticipated War 2, a part of the YRF Spy Universe....