The popular television series, Lucifer, which aired on Fox for the first time gained popularity but failed to sustain as it was cancelled by the Fox after three seasons. However, the streaming giant, Netflix, took over and revived the...
Maddock Films is expanding its ambitious Horror-Comedy Universe with a slate of eight interconnected films set to release over the next four years. Among...
Renowned filmmaker Aanand L Rai and award-winning music producer AR Rahman are coming together once again for the upcoming project, Tere Ishk Mein, featuring Dhanush...
Unni Mukundan’s action-packed thriller Marco continues to impress at the box office, achieving a remarkable ₹51.85 crore in collections within 17 days. The film,...
The Duchess of Sussex is making her much-anticipated return to the spotlight with With Love, Meghan, a heartwarming new lifestyle show that combines cooking,...