One of the most iconic and popular comedy shows on Indian television, The Kapil Sharma Show, is under trouble over drinking on the stage in a courtroom scene in one of the episodes. An FIR has been registered against...
Comedians, Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover, became household names after the success of the comedy talk show, Comedy Nights With Kapil, followed by The Kapil Sharma Show. However, their much-loved duo came to an unfortunate end when they parted...
The Kapil Sharma Show has always been one of the most loved comedy shows with India's most successful comedian Kapil Sharma as the host. With many ups and downs, Kapil Sharma managed to bring back the popularity of his...
The recent controversy over The Kapil Sharma Show started when the Shaktimaan actor was missing from the show for a reunion of the Mahabharat team and it doesn't seem to end anytime soon. On missing the episode, Mukesh Khanna had called the...
The Kapil Sharma Show is undoubtedly one of the most loved television chat show of the country which manages to put a smile on everyone's face. While, along with all production activities in the entertainment industry, shooting for The...
One of the most loved comedians of India, Kapil Sharma, and Ginni Chatrath tied the knot last year on the 12th day of December after dating each other for years and the comedian confirmed the news of Ginni's pregnancy...
Salman Khan used to be the idol of Arjun Kapoor and the two shared a great bonding in the tinsel town. However, after Arjun Kapoor started dating Salman Khan's sister-in-law, Malaika Arora, things went sour between them and allegedly...
Kapil Sharma recently revived his career with the second season of his The Kapil Sharma Show, which premiered earlier this year. The comedy received great TRPs and has been another successful show for India's most favourite comedian. However, the...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...