Earlier this year, filmmaker Aditya Dhar and actor Vicky Kaushal announced their reunion post the success of Uri: The Surgical Strike and everyone has been eagerly waiting for more development around the movie. However, much to the disappointment, the reports...
Vicky Kaushal is on a roll after the success of his last release, URI: The Surgical Strike, and has already signed a number of movies. While filmmaker Ronnie Screwvala had earlier announced a collaboration with Vicky Kaushal for a modern...
After the two years of success of URI: The Surgical Strike, the trio of Vicky Kaushal, Aditya Dhar and Ronnie Screwvala are coming together for another project, The Immortal Ashwatthama. The movie was announced earlier by the makers and now...
Vicky Kaushal has been riding on the high of his career with commercially successful movies in his kitty. The actor was to be shooting Takht but the pandemic led him to start prepping for Aditya Dhar's next mythological actioner...
Vicky Kaushal became one of the most sought after actor after the humongous success of the thriller URI: The Surgical Strike which was based on real-life events. While the actor has a number of projects under production which includes the...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...