Amazon Prime Video's espionage action thriller web series, The Family Man, had been an instant hit amongst the fans and the sequel lived up to the expectations as well. While the maker's decision to include more powerful actors in...
Amazon Prime Original Series, The Family Man, received unexpected phenomenal success and became the trendsetter over the social media websites. Following the craze for the web series, Prime Video has announced a second season to the much-loved action thriller with...
Critically acclaimed actor Manoj Bajpayee recently made his debut on the digital platform with Amazon Prime's The Family Man which garnered a lot of appreciation from the critics and audience alike for its intense storyline. While the fans cannot get...
Hrithik Roshan, one of Bollywood’s most versatile actors, is currently immersed in filming the much-anticipated War 2, a part of the YRF Spy Universe....
Veteran filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya, celebrated for timeless family classics like Maine Pyaar Kiya, Hum Aapke Hain Kaun, and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, has found...
Bollywood’s beloved Shah Rukh Khan is teaming up once again with director Siddharth Anand after their blockbuster success Pathaan. The duo’s latest venture, King,...