Matt Reeves directorial and standalone comic-book based superhero movie, The Batman, has been grabbing headlines for a long time and the filmmaker released camera test video of the lead actor, Robert Pattinson, a while ago. While the video was well-received...
Renowned Hollywood actor, Ben Affleck, walked out of the highly-anticipated comic-book based live-action superhero movie, The Batman, a while ago but kept his mum when questioned about his reasons which were considered to be personal to him. Recently, the actor...
Filmmaker Matt Reeves earlier announced his standalone cape crusader movie starring Robert Pattinson as the Gotham City's vigilante and the announcement took the internet by storm. While the majority opposed the casting of Robert as the young Batman, his...
Matt Reeves' standalone Batman movie is in the news lately for its star cast. While Robert Pattinson has been roped to play the cape crusader of the Gotham city, Zoe Kravitz will be essaying his love interest, Catwoman, in...
Ever since Matt Reeves announced a standalone Batman live-action movie, everyone has been eagerly waiting for more updates. While the decision of casting Robert Pattinson as the new cape crusader bugged many, the actor was later accepted by the...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...